Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Classes > TIdConnectionIntercept Class > TIdConnectionIntercept Methods > Send Method
TIdConnectionIntercept.Send Method

Sends values for the connection intercept.

procedure Send(
    var ABuffer: TIdBytes
); virtual;
Buffer with values for the receive notification. 

Send is a procedure used to send values for the connection intercept using the buffer specified in ABuffer. 

When the TIdConnectionIntercept component is enabled, Send is the method used to perform write operations before data on made available to a subsequent IOHandler or Intercept for the Connection

Send triggers the OnSend event when a procedure has been assigned to the event handler. 

Send uses the corresponding method in an assigned Intercept to make the data in ABuffer available to a chained intercept. 

Use Receive to read data in a buffer to the event handlers and intercepts for the connection intercept.

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