Parses a token from the delimited input string.
function Fetch( var AInput: string; const ADelim: string = IdFetchDelimDefault; const ADelete: Boolean = IdFetchDeleteDefault; const ACaseSensitive: Boolean = IdFetchCaseSensitiveDefault ): string;
Parameters |
Description |
AInput |
Value to be parsed. |
ADelim |
Delimiter character(s). Default value is IdFetchDelimDefault. |
ADelete |
Indicates parsed tokens are removed from the input string. Default value is IdFetchDeleteDefault. |
ACaseSensitive |
Indicates case is ignored when comparing values. Default value is IdFetchCaseSensitiveDefault. |
String - Token parsed from the input string.
Fetch is a String function used to parse a token from the input string specified in AInput delimited by the characters specified in ADelim. ADelim can contain a single character, a sequence of characters, or the value CHAR0 (Null string).
Fetch will return any characters occuring in AInput until one of the delimiter characters in ADelim is encountered. When ADelim is omitted, the default value for ADelim is IdFetchDelimDefault.
Fetch can optionally delete the parsed token from AInput when ADelete is True. When ADelete is True, both the parsed value and the delimiter character(s) are removed from the input string AInput.
ACaseSensitive indicates if Fetch can ignore case when comparing values in AInput. The default value for ACaseSensitive is IdFetchCaseSensitiveDefault. When ACaseSensitive is False, Fetch calls FetchCaseInsensitive to perform delimiter comparisions without regard for case.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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