Decodes a list of email addresses.
procedure DecodeAddresses( AEMails: String; EMailAddr: TIdEmailAddressList );
Parameters |
Description |
AEMails |
Email address(es) in string form. |
EMailAddr |
Structured EMail address(es) to be decoded. |
DecodeAddresses is a procedure used to remove content and transfer encodings applied to email addresses specified in the AEmails argument. DecodeAddresses assigns thelist of email addresses in AEMails to the TIdEmailAddressList specified in EmailAddr.
DecodeAddresses iterates over the TIdEmailAddressItem instances in EMailAddr, and calls DecodeAddress to remove the content and transfer encodings applied to the object instance. The resulting values are stored in EMailAddr.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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