Stores the ordinal data type in an array of bytes.
procedure CopyTIdCardinal( const ASource: Cardinal; var VDest: TIdBytes; const ADestIndex: Integer );
Parameters |
Description |
ASource |
Value to copy into the array of bytes. |
VDest |
Byte array used to store the binary value of the data type. |
ADestIndex |
Position in the array of bytes where the converted data type is stored. |
CopyTIdCardinal is a procedure used to read a cardinal data type from the values specified in ASource into an array of bytes identified by VDest. ADestIndex indicated the position in the array of bytes where the converted carsinl data type will be stored.
For the .Net platform, CopyTIdCardinal uses the System.BitConverter.GetBytes and System.array.Copy methods from the FCL to read a cardinal data type from the values specified in ASource into the storage identified in VDest.
For all other platforms, CopyTIdCardinal uses the Move procedure from the Borland RTL to copy a cardinal data type from Source into the buffer identified in VDest at the position identified by ADestIndex.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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