AppendBytes is a utility procedure used with TIdBytes values.
procedure AppendBytes( var VBytes: TIdBytes; AAdd: TIdBytes );
Parameters |
Description |
VBytes |
Original byte values to be modified. |
AAdd |
Byte values to be add to the original byte values. |
AppendBytes is a procedure used to append the byte vaLues specified in AAdd to end of the existing byte values in VBytes.
AppendBytes increases the length of VBytes to include all byte values in AAdd, and calls CopyTIdBytes to ensure that platform-specific functions are used to perform the copy (or move) of the values in AAdd.
Use AppendByte to add a single byte value to a specified destination.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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