Properties of TIdIOHandler.
Property |
Description |
Indicates that the connection has been closed by the peer for a connection. | |
Milliseconds to wait for successful completion of a connection attempt. | |
Endpoint for the IOHandler connection. | |
Identifies the address for the endpoint of the IOHandler connection. | |
Represents the internal storage for values received on the IOHandler connection. | |
Intermediary for actions using the transport and the IOHandler for the connection. | |
Indicates byte counts read from or written to the IOHandler should use a 64-bit data type. | |
Maximum number of lines permitted when capturing multi-line messages or responses. | |
Indicates the action performed when the maximum line length is exceeded. | |
Determines the maximum length of a line read from the IOHandler for the connection. | |
Event handler for buffered read and write operations. | |
Event handler signalled when a read or write request is started. | |
Event handler signalled when a read or write request is completed. | |
Indicates if buffer and state properties have been initialized for the IOHandler. | |
Port number for the IOHandler connection. | |
Indicates a timeout occurred when reading a line of text from the IOHandler. | |
Indicates the milliseconds to wait for a readable IOHandler connection. | |
Indicates the number of bytes to read reading large amounts of data. | |
Indicates the buffer size used when writing large chunks of data to the IOHandler connection. | |
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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