Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Classes > TIdDateTimeStamp Class > TIdDateTimeStamp Methods
TIdDateTimeStamp Methods

Methods of TIdDateTimeStamp.

Adds a number of days to the timestamp. 
Adds a number of hours to the timestamp. 
Adds a number of milliseconds to the timestamp. 
Adds a number of minutes to the timestamp. 
Adds a number of months to the timestamp. 
Adds a number of seconds to the timestamp. 
Adds a native Delphi date/time to the timestamp. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp in ISO 8601 Calendar format. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp in ISO 8601 Ordinal format. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp in ISO 8601 Week format. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp in RFC 822 format. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp as a TDateTime value. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp as a 24-hour time string. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp as a TTimeStamp value. 
Provides access to the Indy timestamp as a Swatch "Beat Time" value. 
Provides access to the Day of Month for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the Day of Week for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the long Day of Week name for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the short Day of Week name for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the number of days in the year of the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the AM/PM hour of Day for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the Military hour of Day for the timestamp value. 
Indicates that the timestamp value contains a time before noon. 
Provides access to the minute of the Day for the timestamp value. 
Provides access to the minute of the hour for the timestamp value. 
Provides access to the long month name for the timestamp value. 
Provides access to the numeric month of year for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the short month name for the Indy timestamp. 
Provides access to the seconds of the current minute for the Indy timestamp. 
Indicates the total number of seconds in the Indy timestamp year. 
Offset of the local timezone from GMT. 
Number of hours between the local timezone and GMT time. 
Number of minutes between the local timezone and GMT time. 
Provides access to the week number for the Indy timestamp year. 
This is SubtractTDateTime, a member of class TIdDateTimeStamp. 
Subtracts a native date/time value from an Indy timestamp. 
Resets the date and time values. 
Resets the date value to its default representation. 
Resets the time value to its default representation. 
Frees the object instance. 
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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