Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Classes > TIdBuffer Class > TIdBuffer Members
TIdBuffer Members

Members exposed by TIdBuffer.

Discards all existing data in the internal storage for the buffer. 
Removes unused storage space allocated at the head of the buffer. 
Retrieves and removes data from the buffer. 
Reads and optionally removes a specific byte value from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Reads and optionally removes byte values from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Reads and optionally removes a Cardinal value from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Copies and optionally removes values from the internal storage for the buffer into a TIdBuffer data type. 
Reads and optionally removes a Cardinal value from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Reads and optionally removes a Cardinal value from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Writes extracted buffer data to a stream. 
Reads and optionally removes a Word value from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Gets a byte value without removing the value from the internal storage for the buffer. 
Removes data from the internal storage for the Indy buffer. 
Writes the contents of the buffer to a stream. 
Stores a specific number of byte values into the internal storage for the buffer at a given position. 
Destructor for the object instance. 
Provides access to byte values stored in the buffer as a String data type. 
Indicates the maximum number of bytes allowed for the internal storage of the buffer. 
Default encoding used when writing values to the buffer. 
Indicates the threshold for reallocating storage for the buffer. 
Indicates the number of Bytes in the Indy buffer. 
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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